Privacy Policy Statement

For each visitor to our Web pages, we collect only the domain name, but not the email address of visitors. The information we collect is used to improve the content of our Web pages, and to customize the content. This information is not shared with other organizations.

Email addresses are only collected for those individuals who voluntarily communicate with us through registration forms.

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, you can request to be removed from our marketing list by emailing us at Privacy@HumanResource.Today or writing to our Privacy Advocate at HumanResource.Today, 3000 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton, FL 33431.

From time to time, we make the email addresses of those who have opted to receive communications from our site available to other reputable third party organizations whose products or services we think you might find interesting. If you do not want us to share your email address with other companies or organizations, please let us know by emailing us at Privacy@HumanResource.Today or writing to our Privacy Advocate at HumanResource.Today, 3000 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton, FL 33431 and telling us that you do not want us to share your email address with other companies.

Use of Cookies

HumanResource.Today employs the use of cookies in our ad rotation software. The sole purpose of this technology is to ensure proper statistics are provided for banner click-throughs and to tally the number of visitors triggering a specific event. In no way are cookies used to store information regarding a visitor.

By visiting this site third parties may place cookies on users’ browsers for targeted advertising purposes. In addition, IP addresses, cookie identifiers and website activity may be collected for targeted advertising. This data may be used by third parties to target advertising on other sites based on users' online activity. To opt-out of targeted advertising, please visit or the NAI opt-out site at, or for those in Europe, the EDAA opt out site at

Privacy Pledge

HumanResource.Today is committed to honoring the privacy of its visitors and to uphold the privacy policies set forth by the Direct Marketing Association. Questions regarding this statement should be directed to our privacy coordinator at Privacy@HumanResource.Today with "Attn; Privacy" in the subject line.

Worldata, Inc.
3000 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Privacy Policy